Saturday, March 23, 2013

Upcoming Challenges and the Delphi Method

This week has been hard.  My sweet grandfather passed away this week.  It's so hard to stay focused and motivated when there are things going on in your life that are unavoidable and heartbreaking.  It was a true blessing to get comments from my sweet classmates on our class Facebook page.  It's funny how people you have never met in person can have the exact things to say that you need to hear at that specific moment in time.

I'm going to share some of the challenges that could come up in the future.  This time of the school year is SO BUSY!  
Time is going to be a challenge for me when it comes to implementing my action research project.  Thinking of how busy school is right now with STAAR testing right around the corner, I can already feel myself begin to stress.  In order to address this challenge, I plan on prioritizing my the daily assignments and ordering them from most important to least.  This will help me feel like I am accomplishing the specific things that I need to get completed.  
Daily demands will also be a struggle when it comes to implementing my action research plan.  On a daily basis, one has to teach all day, lead tier II and tier III intervention groups, reading and math tutorials after school, mentor beginning teachers, plan upcoming instruction, and somehow find the time to enter grades in the grade book.  Daily demands can make one feel like participating in an action research project will be extremely tiring.  However, it helps to remember why we do what we do in the first place.  Keeping the students' needs at the front of my daily demands will help me problem solve, and keep things in check.  

After examining the Delphi Method, I found this website that went more in depth about what it was, and provided a great visual!  

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are doing a little better Hannah, just remember not to push yourself too much and take one day at a time.
    The website about the Delphi Method is very interesting, thanks for sharing. I found some interesting things about the Force Field Analysis as well. The book gave a really good website: I'm actually using this website for other things that will help me on the job too. Nice post!
