Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Action Research Update!

Read On!

I'm getting more excited about starting the action research project (even though it's a few weeks off).  The action research study that I am interested in is to examine the effectiveness and motivation related to using traditional reading fluency and comprehension interventions (paper based) with technology enhanced fluency and comprehension interventions.  I am excited to begin this research topic because in my own tier two and tier three reading groups, motivation can be a clear factor when it comes to how successful the students are.  I have been conducting reading intervention reading groups for the last seven years, and know how effective quality reading intervention can be to the struggling reader.  We have great paper based resources to use for fluency and comprehension interventions  but, I'm not sure the motivation is there for the students to grow as much as they are capable of.  I'm wondering if adding technology enhanced interventions will encourage and motivate these students to work harder, and in the end show greater growth.
The people who will benefit the most from my research will be the struggling readers in my classroom.  The other teachers at my campus will also benefit from this action research project because I will then be able to take my data and report my findings.  The students will benefit because they will hopefully be actively engaged, and highly motivated during my tier two and tier three reading groups.  As most of you know, getting a struggling reader excited about reading is a constant hardship.  In the end, I'm looking forward to see a continued growth in my reading intervention groups.

This is one of my favorite fluency apps that I have on my iPad.  There is a free version that gives most of the basic functions.  Then the priced version will allow you to actually log in multiple students, and it will keep track of their individual progress.  If you're looking for a great elementary reading fluency app. then give it a try!


  1. I love your thoughts on motivating your struggling students through the use of technology. It will be interesting to see how many of your students will move from tier 2 and tier 3 to tier 1. I am going to download this app into my classroom I Pad! Best of luck to you!

  2. Looking forward to reading more on your action research topic. Using technology is helpful and very important. I am going to download the app on my Ipad for my children and going pass on the information to my colleagues. Good luck!

  3. I'm interested in your action research project with struggling readers. I teach kindergarten, where reading usually begins. I purchased an iPad last year and my students really love playing on the educational apps. Thank you for listing the app, I'll be downloading the app. If you have any other apps you like, please share them.

    1. Will do Danelle! Send me any ideas that you use in your room as well!

  4. Nice project Hannah! Since the world is so technology driven, I think anytime you can incorporate that into a learning environment, it will be a major asset. I look forward to hearing the developments.

  5. I am an ELL teacher so I have the opportunity to go in to multiple classrooms to work with my students. One of the biggest changes in motivation I see is when the kids are able to work on my Ipad. I think that technology is a great way to get students excited about learning. Technology is something that is everywhere in todays society. I am excited to see what you discover through your action research study! Keep us posted!

  6. Hannah, great research project. It sounds very similar to mine. I, too, am excited to begin the study and find some results that will prove to of benefit to my entire campus. I am also going to download this app and share with my peer teachers. If you find any others that are of great benefit, would you mind sharing? I will do just the same. Good luck and I cannot wait to continue hearing your successes. When are you beginning your project and research?

  7. Hannah, sounds like a great project. What are the grade levels that you work with. I have one daughter that has struggled with reading. She is in the third grade this year. We have noticed that she has been a little behind every year in her reading but the teachers says that she was doing fine. Well this year they tested her and she was below average and the teacher still said she was fine. So we decided to take her to a sylvan testing center and had her tested. At Sylvan they used IPADS to help her improve in her reading. She did very well there. But I think the technology was also a motivating factor for her to do the assignments. What is the name of the app again

    1. The name of the app is called Timed Reading. It is technically an iPhone app but you can use it with your iPad too. I currently teach third grade. That blows my mind that she would be reading below level and the teacher said that she is fine. If you want more specific advice, please feel free to email me directly at I would love to help you figure out more resources for her!

  8. Thanks for the app. I have to children in elementary school and the will certainly be using this.

  9. It seems like everybody is loving your action research project including ME. I am an avid reader. As a bilingual teacher myself and having english as my second language, reading helped me a lot to be able to speak and write the english language. Believe me, reading does pay off. I am looking forward of your action research and keep us posted.

  10. I just downloaded the app you recommended and will definitely try it out with my intervention kiddos next week. I am excited to follow you and see the different technology resources you implement to increase reading and fluency!!!

  11. This is excellent! I think any action research on technology is useful to entire campuses, as well as entire districts! The world we live in is becoming more and more technology centered every day! I think it's great that you're focusing on reading, but maybe even expanding it to other subjects would prove more helpful to the campus? You sound like you're on the right track, just thought I'd make your gears turn! :)

  12. I think you have chosen an excellent topic for your action reasarch project. I am very interested in following your research and see how much of a difference there is on student achievement with the use of technology. Your project would definetly bring lots of benefits to your campus!
