Saturday, September 21, 2013

Week 4: Web Conference Reflection

Saturday, October 21, 2013 - 10:00 a.m.

Dr. Abernathy spoke about the issues with Blackboard, and said that Adobe Connect should be getting better.  She said that we shouldn’t have any more Blackboard outages.  Apparently, Lamar was over capacity.  This felt very unfair to the on-line only students over the past few weeks.  I’m looking forward to this getting cleared up in the future. 

Week 5:  This is discussion board, and reflection.  Dr. Abernathy said that she thinks this is worth 75 points, and the discussion is worth 10.  She mentioned that in the weekly overviews, there are examples of in text citations.  She reminded us to always use 12-point font with Times New Roman, and with References on a separate page.  This is APA format.  Week 5 should be summaries of what we’ve completed. 

Week 5, Part 3: Dr. Abernathy said that when working cooperatively with your real school for week 5, that you can just work with 1 teacher.  It doesn’t have to be a large group.   We will need to create a UDL lesson and an eBook that either 1 of us can use (or both).  Get input from the other teacher at your school, but you are the one doing the writing of the UDL lesson and eBook.  She mentioned that if we need more examples to Google it.  Then, she said to put everything on our personal Google site.  If we decide to change the location of where this will be housed, to just let our IA know.

Then, Dr. Abernathy mentioned that she would take the whole week 5-assignment overview down since it is not correct, and repost it on Monday.  This should take care of much of the week 5 confusion.  There seems to be a lot of confusion about how to work Adobe Connect as well.  She mentioned that if we have a specific question for her, to just call her, and she’ll stay on the phone all day.  She also said that if we generally follow the assignment rubric that we would be ok. 

Our team discussed with Dr. Abernathy that we have 9 technology activities for Week 4.  She said that the eBooks would also count as an activity in week 4.  The expectation was only 5-8 activities, but our team created 9. 

5397- This is our next course, and Dr. Abernathy reminded us that this should be our halfway check point for our internship hours. 

She spoke about the extra courses that you can take (stand alone) that will offer more certifications.  It’s possible that one of these might be free. 

Dr. Abernathy will not be posting this video web conference because it was highly confusing.  I couldn’t agree more.  Typically, I learn a great deal from these web conferences.  However, I left more confused than ever after this morning’s web conference.  I have a prior commitment, and will not be able to attend tomorrow’s web conference. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure why this states that I posted this at 9:15 AM. This was posted at 11:15 AM. Very odd.
