Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week 2 Reading/Video Reflection

This week there were many extremely helpful videos and reading about the importance of having differentiated learning activities that meet the specific learning needs of all students inside the classroom.  This would even include students with disabilities, or students who are gifted and talented.  “In our 21st century schools, the mix of students is more diverse than ever.”  This is why as teachers; we need to be able to respond to the student’s individual learning differences.  The one size fits all learning style just doesn’t work anymore.  It is virtually impossible to meet everyone student’s learning needs if differentiation is not happening.
According to CAST, “The Brain Research”, Neurological studies have shown that each person’s brain can process things differently.  The recognition network of the brain helps with learning facts, strategic networks help with planning, performing tasks, and organizing, and affective networks focus on how engaged and interested the learners are.  If you can utilize all 3 of these networks in your lesson planning then, your instruction will have a greater impact on learners with different learning styles.  One way to implement these types of networks is through the use of ULDs or Universal Learning Design.  Universally designed learning is learning designed to accommodate a variety of learners.  UDL uses technology to all students regardless of ability.  Universally Designed Learning principles help teachers differentiate learning experiences for all the students in their classroom.  ULD will offer many different ways to teach students the same content information, as well as, different ways for the learners to express what they have learned. 
Technology integration can make this differentiation way of thinking a lot easier.  The literature reports from, Technology-enriched classrooms: Effects on students of low socioeconomic status. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, explain, “technology-enriched classrooms were prone to produce more student-centered and individualized interactions, and non-technological classrooms consisted of the traditional model of teacher centeredness” (Page, 2002).  The students of the 21st century require differentiated learning in the classroom that includes meaningful technology components.  If we choose not to meet the needs of the students, then as teachers we are not preparing them for the next chapter in their lives.

 (nd). Diversity of Learners. Retrieved from
              (nd). Principles of Universal Design for Learning. Retrieved from
 (nd). The Brain Research. Retrieved from
 (nd). Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning. Retrieved from

         Page, M. S. (2002). Technology-enriched classrooms: Effects on students of low socioeconomic status. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(4), 389–409. Retrieved from the International Society of Education at

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