Friday, June 13, 2014


I am currently in my last class 5398- Principal Internship!  I've completed my action research paper, my course embedded and campus supervised logs.  I've participated in all 3 web conferences with my field supervisor, and passed my LCE!  I'm taking the ILD with a few other classmates at Region 10.  We have 2 more days of class, and I'm ready for it to be over.
My principal just finished submitting the ETLISE survey, and I'm happy to announce that I've already uploaded everything in TK20 and Blackboard.  The only things I have left to do for 5398 is to take part in the weekly discussion board topics.
I applied for August graduation a couple days ago.  I've decided not to attend since it's the week before school actually starts.
I hope to be cleared to take the TExES 068 by the fall.  I'm ready to have everything completed.

I have all my assignments and logs on my Google Site.  Feel free to take a look!

Hannah Maness - Lamar E Portfolio

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Educational Technology Leadership Program - Update!

I am currently about to begin my second to last course in the Masters of Education in Educational Technology program. My reflections for the course embedded and campus supervised logs are up to date.  All of my hours (413 so far) for my internship plan have been completed.  In regards to my action research project, it is complete. All my data has been collected and I am ready to include it into my report. My next steps in completing the program are to complete the final 2 course requirements, and pass my LCE so that I can get approval to take the TeXes Exam for Principal Certification. I plan to take the ILD course during the second week of June through Region 10 which is located in Dallas, Texas. If all goes well, after I complete my ILD, I plan to apply for my Principal Certifcate and obtain my certification by August of 2014.

Looking forward for everything to be completed!