Saturday, August 31, 2013

Web Conference Reflection- Week 1

There were 2 scheduled web conferences for this first week of Teaching with Technology.  I attended both!  haha...

Web Conference 1 - August 29, 2013
Dr. Abernathy said in today's (Saturday) web conference that she forgot about this one.  Oops!  However, I used this time to chat about the weekly assignments with a few of my fellow classmates on our Facebook page.  This Facebook page has been extremely helpful when needing to figure out how to do the weekly assignments, and trying to figure out what the assignment document is actually saying.  Many times they can be a bit wordy, and hard to figure out.  I am thankful for this type of collaboration.  It is extremely helpful!

Web Conference 2- August 31, 2013
 In this morning's web conference, Dr. Abernathy spoke about the importance of team collaboration in order to be successful in this course.  She mentioned that our teams would need to have a working google site for our assignment, and that our team would need a team leader.  Our team already chose Nikki Looper as the team lead.  It was discussed that we would need to post our reading/video reflection and web conference reflections in our blog and personal google site.  There seemed to be many new faces in this web conference.  I look forward to collaborating with all these new faces!

Teaching with Technology - Week 1 Reading/Video Reflections

There were many fantastic readings and videos this week that focused on details like the Constructivism Theory, Connectivism Theory, Cyborg Learning Theory, and Social Networking Technologies in Education.  All of these articles zoned in on the idea that students are more actively involved in a constructivist classroom than a traditional classroom.  “They more often share ideas, ask questions, and feel the freedom to revise their ideas and collaborate with classmates (Sprague, 1999).   Vygotsky’s Theory of Coonstructivism fixated on the idea that you never learn anything from scratch.  You are constantly constructing new ideas along the course of your life.  Successful learners start off with a pool of ideas and then embed new ideas into the old ones.  This type of thinking allows for learning to become both an active and reflective process.  It’s a great way to build new knowledge. 
The Connectivism Theory taught us that the network that learners created becomes the learning itself.  I have experienced this through my course work here at Lamar.  I have learned a great deal from connecting with my classmates, and collaborating on various projects with them. 
There are so many new technologies that are going to shape the environments of our classrooms, and the way that student’s learn.  The Cyborg Theory centers on the idea that you can implant a chip into your nervous system and enhance your brainpower.  This sounded crazy to me at first.  But, is this the way that society is headed?  Many new technologies are interactive, therefore making it easier to create environments in which students can learn by doing, receiving feedback, and reflecting.  “Social networking and virtual environments unleash creativity that could not occur otherwise (McPeethers, 2009).  Who knows…maybe one day cyborgs will be a thing of the past. 

Abbott, J. (nd). Building Knowledge: Constructivism in Learning. [Video file]. Retrieved from

Bransford, J. D., Brown, A. L., & Cocking, R. R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded edition). Ch. 9, pp. 194-218. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Retrieved from

McPheeters, D. (2009, March). Social networking technologies in education. Tech and Learning, 29(8).Retrieved from

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Siemens, G. (nd). The Changing Nature of Knowledge  [Video file]. Retrieved from

Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, (1999). Learning as a personal event: A brief introduction to constructivism. Retrieved from

Sprague, D. & Dede, C. (1999). If I teach this way, Am I doing my job: Constructivism in the classroom. Leading and Learning, 27(1). Retrieved from the International Society for Technology in Education at

Warwirk, K. (nd). Cyborg Life [Video file]. Retrieved from

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Week 5 Web Conference Reflection

I attended three web conferences for this last course.  I also had the opportunity to complete my second field supervisor conference with Dr. Dupre during the past 5 weeks.  I felt like the first web conference was extremely informative.  Dr. Abernathy spoke about the course expectations, and about the program changes with the additional certificates one could get at the end of the program if they so desired.  These web conferences provided additional information about all the assignments.  One week, we learned that the assignment template was going to change.  These types of announcements are always important, and one can ensure that they are up to date with all the latest information through attending these conferences.  I will be with Dr. Abernathy and a few of my colleagues in the next technology course, "Teaching with Technology".  I look forward in attending more informational web conferences in the next course.

Week 5 Reflection Assignment

Self –Assessment

While in this course, I have gained much knowledge in regards to desktop publishing and graphic design.  In week one, we learned about the CRAP method, and how using these four methods of design will enhance your product (business card, brochure, poster, or flyer).  Understanding that these four tools can greatly impact not only your design, but your audience as well (Ojeda, 2012).  In the past, I hadn’t ever thought about what methods actually make a website or product easy to read.  After, our first assignment on design I had a much better grasp on what works and what doesn’t.  With this new knowledge, I was then able to create my CRAP brochure using all four elements.  I look forward in using this brochure as a teaching tool to others at my campus this fall.  Creating a logo was one of my favorite assignments in this course.  I didn’t have any experience with creating logos.  Through brainstorming self-characteristics, as well as, “stereotyping” myself, I was able to create a logo that I have already put in use on my own resources website for my school campus.  Creating an animation and the website were also wonderful learning experiences.  I enjoyed the fact that I was able to use the assignments from weeks 1-3 in helping create the final website with my team.
Learn as a Learner
As a learner in this class, I attempted to soak in as much knowledge and information that I could in order to feel successful.  The assigned assignments and readings were always of great help with grasping the course content, and discussion board writings.  I would also participate in as many web conferences that I could in order to make sure that I was up to date on the information, and to collaborate with my professor and classmates.  To complete the assignments, I would use the rubrics to guide where I needed to start.  The rubrics were extremely helpful in competing assignments correctly.  Interacting with colleagues in the discussion board, web conferences, blogs, and Facebook group were vital in my learning process.  Having those connections are important to this learning process.  We exchange ideas, and ask questions to gain more information.  This course would be very difficult without peer collaboration. 
Lifelong Learning Skills
My past interactions and collaborations with my colleagues impact my future learning in a large way.  Collaboration is one of the most important lifelong learning skills.  Being connected with colleagues, friends, and family is a great way to share ideas and information for the goal of growth.  I know that without my teammates from this course, I would not have had as much growth in website creation.  Everyone has their own point of expertise, and finding a group where everyone is somewhat different, yet has the same expectations can be hard to find. I know that through the positive collaboration I’ve had in the past two courses, will set me up for continued teamwork in the next course.   As a lifelong learner, it’s important to remember that continuing to challenge yourself, reflecting, and pushing your colleagues is central to growth in individual and team experiences. 
Using Websites in a K-12 Classroom
In the K-12 setting, websites are an engaging and interactive way for all students to become motivated in the learning process.  Students as young as three can start using tablet devices to engage in learning opportunities.  Blogging in the elementary school learning environment could be started as early as first or second grade with the appropriate training and guidelines in place.  Using interactive websites are a great tool for homework and extra at home learning.  Students in the upper elementary school, middle, and high school would love the opportunity to create animations, tutorials, and presentations.  This type of interactive learning should be at their fingertips at all times.   

Ojeda, Chiara.  (2012, August). How to Create Pro Slides in Less Time: Don’t Worry, Be Crappy.  Retrieved from:

Group Website Link: Techtekupdates

Friday, August 9, 2013

Week 4: Team Website

This week Nikki, Wendy, and I created our team website!  We all divided up the web page duties at the beginning of the week.  I created and designed the parent and teacher pages.  I feel like our team did an excellent job collaborating and getting everything completed.  Feel free to click the link below to see what all we've added.

Team Website:  techtekupdates

Personal Website:  hannah maness- lamar university

Again, I feel like I have been blessed to work with such a dedicated group of ladies.